About Redeemer

A place of grace.
What to expect!
Many first encounter Redeemer at a Sunday morning worship service. Here’s what you can expect on your visit:
We worship most Sundays at 8:30 and 10:30 AM. Both services are held in our sanctuary.
What does a worship service look like? Here’s what to expect:
We are forgiven. Together, we acknowledge that we have all fallen short of God’s glory. We hear the good news of God’s amazing, boundless mercy.
We pray together. The prayers we say reflect the theme of the day, which is based on the seasonal schedule of scripture passage we follow.
We listen to the Word. We encounter the Word, as witnessed in the Bible, and the Word, as proclaimed in the sermon.
We sing together. Martin Luther said, “to sing is to pray twice.”
We share Christ’s holy meal. Known as “Holy Communion,” or “the Eurcharist.” All who desire to receive Jesus in the bread and wine are welcome to God’s table.
We are sent into our world. We go to reflect the love we have received.
Both services incorporate these elements. The late service (10:30 am) includes a special message for children and incorporates more contemporary music, led by our band, River’s End.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Do I need a pass to attend worship, or a special invitation?
No. Just show up.
What is the dress code?
Most people dress very casually. Come as you are. There is no dress code.
How will I be greeted? Will I have to answer questions?
We hope all visitors to worship feel welcomed warmly, but we don’t push ourselves on anyone. Some prefer to remain anonymous, and that’s cool. We’re just happy you're here!